2020 The Nest
Suisse Projets
Prix Lignum recognized by audience voting, edition 2024
PAV Territorial redevelopment 2021
Invited to partecipate in the SIA award, edition 2020
“Real Estate Opportunity” REOsmart 2020
“Design and Circle Economy” RED 2018
e-Health “housing typologys 3E” 2017
“Territory and Circle Economy” PAV 2016
Wellness City “Urban concepts to Virtual Commerce” 2015
“The longest ice rink in the world” SPAP 2014
J. J. A. Competition “Expo Real” Münschen (D) 2013
Health & Spa award “European SPA Event” Wien (A) 2013
Learning Edge award “W.W.A” Florida (USA) 2013
The Seasonal Experience “12Hotel“ Brand 2012
Development of “Rent Investment Solutions” RIS 2011
5 International awards since 2010
about us
Board of Directors
“Ciò che occorre non è un’integrazione del pensiero o una sorta di unità imposta, perché ogni punto di vista imposto non sarebbe altro che un altro frammento. Invece, tutti i nostri diversi modi di pensare vanno considerati come modi diversi di guardare l’unica realtà“ David Bohm DDF è un gruppo attivo in molteplici settori relativi allo sviluppo, alla progettazione e al finanziamento in ambito immobiliare. Per questa ragione tra i suoi partner si delineano competenze professionali complementari tra cui architetti, paesaggisti, designer, tecnici specializzati, analisti di mercato, periti immobiliari, economisti e giuristi. DDF possiede quindi tutte le competenze in grado di soddisfare le molteplici esigenze di carattere non solo progettuale e pianificatorio ma anche gestionale e finanziario oggigiorno indispensabili. Suisse Projets è una società del correlata al gruppo DDF che oggi vanta un alto livello di specializzazione nello sviluppo e nella progettazione di strutture di carattere residenziale, turistico e ricreativo, tra cui centri benessere, wellness, SPA e parchi acquatici di III generazione. Oltre 15 anni d’esperienza nel settore ci hanno permesso di ottenere numerosi riconoscimenti a livello internazionale in Europa (Health & Spa award “European SPA Event” Vienna) e negli Stati Uniti (Learning Edge award “W.W.A.” Florida). Attivi anche in Germania ed Austria, a partire dal 2010 Suisse Projets ha ampliato i propri campi di attività concentrandosi prevalentemente sul mercato svizzero. Dal 2014 la società ha acquisito ulteriori competenze nell’ambito di progetti urbanistici e nello sviluppo di progettualità in grado di soddisfare non solo una riqualifica territoriale ma anche i principi di un’economia cosiddetta “circolare”. Questa particolare competenza ci ha permesso di ampliare ulteriormente le nostre attività anche nel campo delle arti applicate, del design e della ricerca sperimentale. 2018 la sezione Development-Suisse Projets collabora con ricercatori universitari, enti pubblici e privati nell’ambito di progetti di “economia circolare” rivolti alla riqualifica del territorio e alla tutela dell’ambiente. 2019 la sezione Finance-Suisse Projets partecipa allo sviluppo di prodotti d’investimento destinati al mercato immobilare. Tra i prodotti più performanti e innovativi REOsmart, strutturato in base ad un innovativo principio di leasing immobiliare. 2020 la sezione Development-Suisse Projets collabora con la SUPSI “Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana” nell’ambito del progetto “SE“, rivolto alla tutela dell’ambiente attraverso l’impiego dell’A.I. (Intelligenza Artificale).
“What is needed is not an integration of thought or some sort of imposed unity, because each imposed point of view would be nothing more than another fragment. Instead, all our different ways of thinking should be considered as different ways of looking at the only one reality“ David Bohm DDF is a group active in multiple sectors relating to development, planning and financing in the real estate sector. For this reason, among its partners there are complementary professional skills including architects, landscape architects, designers, specialized technicians, market analysts, real estate appraisers, economists and jurists. DDF therefore possesses all the skills capable of satisfying the multiple needs of a design and planning nature, but also of a managerial and financial nature, which are essential today. Suisse Projets is a company related to the DDF group which today boasts a high level of specialization in the development and design of residential, tourist and recreational facilities, including wellness centres, spas and III generation water parks. Over 15 years of experience in the sector have allowed us to obtain numerous international awards in Europe (Health & Spa award “European SPA Event” Vienna) and the United States (Learning Edge award “W.W.A.” Florida). Also active in Germany and Austria, since 2010 Suisse Projets has expanded its fields of activity by focusing mainly on the Swiss market. Since 2014, the company has acquired additional skills in the field of urban planning projects and in the development of projects capable of satisfying not only a territorial redevelopment but also the principles of a so-called “circular” economy. This particular competence has allowed us to further expand our activities also in the field of applied arts, design and experimental research. 2018 the Development-Suisse Projets section collaborates with university researchers, public and private bodies in the context of “circular economy” projects aimed at the redevelopment of the territory and the protection of the environment. 2019 the Finance-Suisse Projets section participates in the development of investment products for the real estate market. Among the most performing and innovative products REOsmart, structured on the basis of an innovative real estate leasing principle. 2020 the Development-Suisse Projets section collaborates with the SUPSI “University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian Switzerland” as part of the “SE” project, aimed at protecting the environment through the use of A.I. (artificial intelligence).
„Was gebraucht wird, ist keine Integration des Denkens oder eine Art aufgezwungene Einheit, denn jeder aufgezwungene Standpunkt wäre nichts anderes als ein weiteres Fragment. Stattdessen, alle unsere unterschiedlichen Denkweisen sollten als unterschiedliche Sichtweisen der einzige Realität betrachtet werden“ David Bohm DDF ist eine Gruppe, die in mehreren Sektoren in Bezug auf Entwicklung, Planung und Finanzierung im Immobiliensektor tätig ist. Zu den Partnern zählen daher komplementäre Berufskompetenzen wie Architekten, Landschaftsarchitekten, Designer, Fachtechniker, Marktanalysten, Immobiliengutachter, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Juristen. DDF verfügt daher über alle Fähigkeiten, die in der Lage sind, die vielfältigen Anforderungen in Bezug auf Design und Planung, aber auch in Bezug auf Management und Finanzen zu erfüllen, die heute unerlässlich sind. Suisse Projets ist ein mit der DDF-Gruppe verbundenes Unternehmen, das sich heute eines hohen Spezialisierungsgrades in der Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Wohn-, Tourismus- und Freizeiteinrichtungen, darunter Wellnesszentren, Spas und Wasserparks der dritten Generation, rühmen kann. Über 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Branche haben uns ermöglicht, zahlreiche internationale Auszeichnungen in Europa (Health & Spa award “European SPA Event” Vienna) und den Vereinigten Staaten (Learning Edge award “W.W.A.” Florida) zu erhalten. Auch in Deutschland und Österreich aktiv, hat Suisse Projets seit 2010 seine Tätigkeitsfelder erweitert und sich hauptsächlich auf den Schweizer Markt konzentriert. Seit 2014 hat das Unternehmen zusätzliche Fähigkeiten im Bereich Stadtplanungsprojekte und in der Entwicklung von Projekten erworben, die nicht nur einer territorialen Neuentwicklung, sondern auch den Prinzipien einer sogenannten “Kreislaufwirtschaft” genügen. Diese besondere Kompetenz hat es uns ermöglicht, unsere Aktivitäten auch im Bereich der angewandten Kunst, des Designs und der experimentellen Forschung weiter auszubauen. 2018 arbeitet die Abteilung Development-Suisse Projets mit Universitätsforschern, öffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen im Rahmen von “Circular Economy”-Projekten zusammen, die auf die Neuentwicklung des Territoriums und den Schutz der Umwelt abzielen. 2019 beteiligt sich die Abteilung Finance-Suisse Projets an der Entwicklung von Anlageprodukten für den Immobilienmarkt. Eines der leistungsstärksten und innovativsten Produkte REOsmart, strukturiert nach einem innovativen Immobilien-Leasing-Prinzip. 2020 arbeitet die Abteilung Development-Suisse Projets mit der SUPSI “University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian Switzerland” im Rahmen des “SE”-Projekts zusammen, das darauf abzielt, die Umwelt durch den Einsatz von A.I. (künstliche Intelligenz) zu schützen.
“Ce qu’il faut, ce n’est pas une intégration de pensée ou une sorte d’unité imposée, car chaque point de vue imposé ne serait qu’un autre fragment. Au lieu de cela, toutes nos différentes façons de penser devraient être considérées comme des façons différentes de regarder la seule réalité” David Bohm DDF est un groupe actif dans de multiples secteurs liés au développement, à la planification et au financement dans le secteur immobilier. C’est pourquoi, parmi ses partenaires, il existe des compétences professionnelles complémentaires parmi lesquelles des architectes, des paysagistes, des designers, des techniciens spécialisés, des analystes de marché, des évaluateurs immobiliers, des économistes et des juristes. DDF dispose ainsi de toutes les compétences capables de satisfaire les multiples besoins d’ordre conceptuel et d’aménagement, mais aussi managérial et financier, indispensables aujourd’hui. Suisse Projets est une société apparentée au groupe DDF qui dispose aujourd’hui d’un haut niveau de spécialisation dans le développement et la conception d’équipements résidentiels, touristiques et de loisirs, dont des centres de bien-être, des spas et des parcs aquatiques de troisième génération. Plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans le secteur nous ont permis d’obtenir de nombreux prix internationaux en Europe (Health & Spa award “European SPA Event” Vienna) et aux États-Unis (Learning Edge award “W.W.A.” Florida). Egalement actif en Allemagne et en Autriche, Suisse Projets a élargi depuis 2010 ses champs d’activités en se concentrant principalement sur le marché suisse. Depuis 2014, l’entreprise a acquis des compétences complémentaires dans le domaine des projets d’urbanisme et dans le développement de projets capables de satisfaire non seulement un redéveloppement territorial mais aussi les principes d’une économie dite “circulaire”. Cette compétence particulière nous a permis d’étendre nos activités également dans le domaine des arts appliqués, du design et de la recherche expérimentale. 2018 la section Development-Suisse Projets collabore avec des chercheurs universitaires, des organismes publics et privés dans le cadre de projets “économie circulaire” visant le réaménagement du territoire et la protection de l’environnement. 2019 la section Finance-Suisse Projets participe au développement de produits d’investissement pour le marché immobilier. Parmi les produits les plus performants et innovants REOsmart, structuré sur la base d’un principe de location immobilière innovant. 2020 la section Development-Suisse Projets collabore avec la SUPSI “Université des Sciences Appliquées et des Arts de la Suisse Italienne” dans le cadre du projet “SE”, visant à protéger l’environnement par l’utilisation de l’A.I. (intelligence artificielle).
D / Regionalbad Bingen Ingelheim (D) – 2004 D / Development
DD / Freizeitbad Wolfsburg (D) – 2004
D / Therme Badhofgastein (A) – 2004
D / Gartenbad Esch Luxemburg (L) – 2004
D / Masterplan Bissone (CH) – 2004
D / Centro Ovale Chiasso (CH) – 2005
DF / Centro Benessere Ronzone (I) – 2005
D / Centro Benessere Soresina (I) – 2006
DF / Centro Natatorio Ancona (I) – 2006
DF / Centro Benessere Fano (I) – 2007
D / Centro CPI Mendrisio (CH) – 2007
DDF / Thermalbad Torgau (D) – 2007
DD / Centro “MEP” Bellinzona (CH) – 2008
D / Centro Acquatico Arezzo (I) – 2008
D / Centro Commerciale Città Fiera Udine (I) – 2008
DD / Centro Benessere Villanuova sul Clisi (I) – 2009
D / Centro Turistico Ricreativo “SNAM” Luino (I) – 2010
DD / Centro Turistico Alberghiero Rivera (CH) – 2010
DD / Centro “Parada” Coldrerio (CH) – 2010
DD / “SDI” Strutture Dinamiche Interattive (CH) – 2010
D / Ristrutturazione Suite Hotel Resort Orselina (CH) – 2011
D / Risanamento Centro scolastico Melano (CH) – 2011
D / Wellness Quinto Benessere (CH) – 2011
DD / Residenza “Kuhnloi” Ascona (CH) – 2011
D / Residenza Albergo Orselina (CH) – 2011
D / Centro “CAI” Cadempino-Lugano (CH) – 2012
DDF / Centro Acquatico Splash e SPA Tamaro (CH) – 2013
D / Residenza “il Vigneto” Orselina (CH) – 2013
D / Residenza “Paradiso” Lugano (CH) – 2013
DD / “Villa Cattaneo” Bironico (CH) – 2013
D / Residenza “Attica” Manno (CH) – 2014
D / “SkyPark” Ticino (CH) – 2014
D / Residenza “Stabio II” Stabio (CH) – 2014
DD / Residenza “Giardini Sospesi” Agno (CH) – 2014
D / “Appartamento Loft” Lugano (CH) – 2014
D / Residenza “Reosa” Lugano (CH) – 2014
D / Centro SPA Seven Stars Galleria Milano (I) – 2014
D / Residenza “PAN” Lugano (CH) – 2014
D / Residenza “Canonica” Lugano (CH) – 2014
D / La pista più lunga del mondo “SPAP” (CH) – 2014
D / “Notti di ghiaccio e Notti sospese” (CH) – 2014
DD / Concorso “LOCUS SACER” I (CH) – 2015
D / La città del futuro “Wellness City” (I) – 2015
D / Residenza “Vicolo dei Calvi” Chiasso (CH) – 2015
D / Progetto PAM Monteceneri (CH) – 2015
D / PAV “Progetto Alto Vedeggio” (CH) – 2016
DD / Complesso residenziale “BEL” Bellinzona (CH) – 2016
D / Residenza “Montagnola” Lugano (CH) – 2016
D / Residenza “Onno” Barbengo (CH) – 2016
D / “Plaza de Toro” San Lorenzo de el Escorial (E) – 2016
DD / Residenza “Il Frutteto” Rivera-Monteceneri (CH) – 2017
D / Residenza “Ciopa” Massagno (CH) – 2017
D / Residenza “Agli Orti” Castagnola-Lugano (CH) – 2017
D / Residenza “Giardino” Reinach-Argovia (CH) – 2017
D / Residenza “il Nido” Rivera-Monteceneri (CH) – 2017
D / Il silenzio dell’acqua Rivera-Monteceneri (CH) – 2017
DD / “Villa Knupfer” Comano (CH) – 2017
D / La città giardino “TheVillage” Caslano (CH) – 2017
D / Canottieri Caslano (CH) – 2017
D / Parco “Gesora” Bironico-Monteceneri (CH) – 2018
D / Residenza “OnnO” Lugano-Cassarate (CH) – 2018
D / Residenza “CorMeum” Caslano (CH) – 2018
DD / “The Village” Mocassin Ranch California (USA) – 2018
D / Bar&Lounge Monteceneri (CH) – 2019
DDF / Residenza “RoRa” Montagnola (CH) – 2019
D / La città giardino “Sun Lake City” Caslano (CH) – 2019
D / Residenza “CorMeum” Caslano (CH) – 2019
D / “SE” tutela dell’Ambiente e AI (CH) – 2019
D / Concorso per un parco pubblico “tOndO” V (CH) – 2019
D / Concorso per un asilo a Cadempino (CH) – 2019
DD / Il Nido d’Isone (CH) – 2020
DD / “Quartiere Sospeso” Arbedo Castione (CH) – 2020
DD / “Casa Zampetti” Lopagno (CH) – 2021
D / “I NIDI” di Comano (CH) – 2021
D / “IL NIDO” di Bacco Rivera-Capidogno (CH) – 2022
D / “TILO” nuova sede di Bellinzona (CH) – 2022
D / “Villa SiBy” Rivera (CH) – 2023
DD / “ArCa” Campus Castione (CH) – 2023
D / “Casa Eli” Bironico (CH) – 2024
DDF / “I NIDI” di Rivera (CH) – 2024
DDF / “Residenza Camoghè” Rivera (CH) – 2025
DD / Development and Design
DDF / Development Design and Finance
RSI intervista “Quotidiano” (CH)
Progetto “Locus Sacer” (CH)
RSI intervista “Quotidiano” (CH)
Recensione Splash e SPA “rivista di architettura archi” (CH)
RSI “filo diretto” programma televisivo (CH)
Mocassin Ranch, State Route 49, California (USA)
Recensione “Magazine” (CH)
International magazine for excellent business & lifestyle (CH)
Rete UNO “millevoci” programma radiofonico (CH)
Premiati “Concorso di architettura per un luogo sacro” (CH)
Recensione “Magazine” (I)
“Marketing+Architektur” Nomination KKL Luzern (CH)
Recensione “Magazine” (I)
Premiati “World Waterpark Association” Florida (USA)
Premiati “Expo Real” Münschen (D)
Premiati “European SPA Event” Wien (A)
Recensione “Magazine” (CH)
Recensione “Magazine” (CH)
Residenza “Kuhnloi” Ascona (CH)
Centro Acquatico Arezzo (I)
Centro Benessere Fano (I)
Centro Natatorio Ancona (I)
Centro Benessere Ronzone Alto Adige (I)
Centro Acquatico Splash e SPA Tamaro (CH)
SDI "Strutture Dinamiche Interattive" (CH)
PAV "Progetto Alto Vedeggio" (CH)
SPAP "La pista di pattinaggio più lunga del mondo" (CH)
Development and Design office – Suisse Projets Finance office – Suisse Projets Marco Giussani
Via Cantonale 138
CH- 6804 Bironico – Monteceneri
+41 (0)91 / 930 60 84
Via Gesora 32
CH- 6805 Mezzovico
+41 (0)91 / 930 66 88
Membro di direzione – CEO
architetto ETH SIA OTIA
Personal works
Personal profile
Prix Lignum recognized by audience voting, edition 2024
Invited to partecipate in the SIA award, edition 2020
REOsmart SA member of the Executive Board since 2020
Member of the Planning Commission Mezzovico-Vira (CH) 2019
RIS SA member of the Executive Board since 2018
RED “Design and Circle Economy” 2018
Development of PAV concept “Territory and Circle Economy“ 2016
DDF Group 2014
John Jacob Astor Competition “Expo Real” Münschen (D) 2013
Health & Spa award “European SPA Event” Wien (A) 2013
Learning Edge award “W.W.A.” Florida (USA) 2013
The Seasonal Experience “12Hotel” Brand 2012
Development of “Rent Investment Solutions” 2011
OTIA “Engineers and Architects Ticino“ since 2004
CEO of Suisse Projets since 2004
Manager of “kplan AG Development Division” (D) 2000-2004
SGB e Associati 2000
Project manager by kplan Gmbh (D) 1994-2000
“Die Implodierung der Stadt” Stadt Offenburg (D) 1997
“The object between aesthetics and function” 1994
SIA “Swiss Engineers and Architects“ since 1994
Architect ETH-Zürich 1993
Arch. Marco Giussani
Chairman and CEO
Arch. Valentina De Martin Modolado
Member of the executive board
Arch. Rossella Fontana
Arch. Vincenzo Crapola
Dr. Aline Piani Giussani
Development Offices
Design Offices
Finance Offices
Marco Giussani since 2010 Suisse Projets Development since 2014
Architect 6805 Mezzovico-Vira (CH)
Development & Design office 6804 Monteceneri (CH)
Marco Giussani since 2004 Suisse Projets Design since 2014 kplan AG 2014-2015 Stefano Passerotti since 2016 SGB e Associati 2015-2017 3AinP since 2019
Architect 6805 Mezzovico-Vira (CH)
Architecture office 6804 Bironico-Monteceneri (CH)
Architecture office 93049 Regensburg (D)
Landscape Studio 50125 Firenze (I)
Architecture office 6512 Giubiasco (CH)
Associated architects 6805 Mezzovico (CH)
Suisse Projets Finance since 2014 Celio Cavadini & Partners since 2015 Rent Investment Solutions SA since 2018 REOsmart SA since 2020
Development & Consulting office 6805 Mezzovico-Vira (CH)
Law office 6900 Lugano (CH)
Finance & Consulting company 6900 Lugano (CH)
Real estate company 6942 Savosa (CH)